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5 minutes with Gavin Clisby

Posted on 19 Sep 2023

4 min read

How Ogilvie Fleet is using Happy Drivers and other tools to minimise vehicle downtime and keep drivers on the road

Gavin Clisby is Head of Operations at Ogilvie Fleet, managing a team of vehicle maintenance professionals who help maintain over 20,000 vehicles as well as manage the end of contract process. 

How has the Happy Drivers App changed the way drivers manage their vehicles?

Our Happy Drivers app enhancements now provides our drivers with all key information in one place to allow them to quickly reach key people when their vehicle is in life. The app provides vital support when a vehicle has been involved in an accident, provides tap to call function in event of a breakdown or if replacement glass required speeding up the reporting and action times. The most effective improvement to the app has been the book a service option, where drivers can now book directly with the garage removing the middle communication, we now see a consistent 33-35% of booking being made via the app each month.

How does the MiFleet reporting software help fleet managers to efficiently manage their fleets?

MiFleet is vital in our operation as it gives Fleet Managers a very clear overview to the health of their Fleet. By using a Red, Amber Green dashboard Fleet Managers can be proactive in organising their operations around their fleet scheduled maintenance and in conjunction with the Happy Drivers App can keep track of odometer readings and service bookings.

How does your team help to reduce vehicle downtime?

Vehicle Downtime is an ongoing challenge within the industry and is no different here at Ogilive. We have a structured approach to vehicle downtime and each Maintenance Controller has their own case load which they manage daily with the number one priority being to get the vehicle back on the road as quickly as possible. Each case is assessed on its own merits as no two cases are the same and pose their own challenges and unique set of circumstances. By liaising with all parties involved and engaging with the vehicle manufacturers we identify the quickest route possible ensuring the downtime is kept to a minimum.

What is the average time taken for vehicle repair and maintenance authorisations and what does your team do to minimise this?

Our time for responding to authorisations is less than three minutes, we utilise our systems to automate standard job authorisations allowing our controllers to focus on the more complex job requests. As all of our controllers have had experience within the repairer network they hold valuable knowledge to process jobs quickly and effectively reducing the time taken to respond to maintenance requests.

How has the transition to electric vehicles impacted the way your team deals with service and maintenance issues?

With the transition to electric vehicles well on its way and with a number of new emerging ev brands into the UK market we have seen a number of new challenges arise which we have not come across before. As we keep the driver as our main priority we have been able to navigate these challenges without any major upset to the service levels we provide.

How does your team make the end of contract process as smooth as possible for drivers?

We work directly with our collections agents to ensure that the end of contract process operates as smoothly as possible ensuring that our drivers have plenty of communication prior to vehicle collection and in most cases this is one call operation as the appraisal and collection is carried out together. Although we are very transparent and provide our damage matrix at the start of the vehicle life drivers can carry out a self-appraisal via our Happy Drivers app which will identify any area of concern prior to collection.

What is the priority for your team for the next 12 months?

Our priority for the next twelve months in both Maintenance and Remarketing is to maintain our consistent customer service levels in an ever-changing industry environment. We have a focus on enhancing our digital offering via the Happy Drivers app, providing more in-life options to our drivers.

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Ogilvie Fleet Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 308787, as a provider of fleet management, vehicle finance and leasing products to both commercial and personal customers. Should we provide a regulated product, it may be provided directly or, potentially, distributed through a panel of authorised brokers and/or introducers. If that is the case, we may pay a commission to said authorised brokers or introducers who pass new customers to us. This commission is usually a fixed fee, is not paid by the personal customer, and does not impact the amount the personal customer will pay.

Ogilvie Fleet Limited is a registered company in Scotland with company number SC067027, registered office Ogilvie House, 200 Glasgow Road, Stirling, FK7 8ES. VAT registration number 400 892 864.

IDAC Media

Ogilvie Fleet Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 308787, as a provider of fleet management, vehicle finance and leasing products to both commercial and personal customers. Should we provide a regulated product, it may be provided directly or, potentially, distributed through a panel of authorised brokers and/or introducers. If that is the case, we may pay a commission to said authorised brokers or introducers who pass new customers to us. This commission is usually a fixed fee, is not paid by the personal customer, and does not impact the amount the personal customer will pay.

Ogilvie Fleet Limited is a registered company in Scotland with company number SC067027, registered office Ogilvie House, 200 Glasgow Road, Stirling, FK7 8ES. VAT registration number 400 892 864.