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Ogilvie Fleet steps up the fight against climate change through re-forestation initiative

Posted on 2 Aug 2023

Duncan Ogilvie with Simon MacGillivray and Simon Oldham

3 min read

Ogilvie Fleet steps up the fight against climate change through reforestation initiative

Ogilvie Fleet, part of the Ogilvie Group, has stepped up its fight against climate change and accelerated its journey to Net Zero by planting 250,000 trees in Scotland in last year.
As August marks the start of Ogilvie’s sustainability month, the tree planting initiative has seen 250 acres of moorland located in Scotland purchased for reforestation. Its 250,000 trees are expected to capture more than 17,000 tonnes of carbon over the next 50 years.
The project was overseen from the outset by Scottish Woodlands to bring carbon sequestering and biodiversity benefits to a previously barren moorland area outside Stirling.
Duncan Ogilvie, Chief Executive, Ogilvie Group, said:
“The new forest is an important part of our climate strategy, which ultimately aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions across our business operations by 2040. It is vital everyone in society recognises and acts on the need to tackle the causes of climate change to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. We hope to continue to plant more trees when suitable land can be found.”
Nick Hardy, Sales and Marketing Director of Ogilvie Fleet commented:
“As part of the Ogilvie Group, we are committed to achieving carbon neutral certification to PADS 2060 through the Carbon Trust. Being a part of this forestation project will prove a huge step forward in our road to Net Zero.”

Scottish Woodlands

Simon Oldham, Technical Director with Scottish Woodlands Ltd said:
“Scottish Woodlands were delighted to support Ogilvie Group in this fantastic tree planting project, providing the professional support to establish a new mixed forest close to Stirling. Ogilvie Group is also helping Scottish Woodlands to reduce our own carbon footprint though the supply of more environmentally friendly vehicles for our foresters, so it seems fitting that the relationship works both ways to achieve these environmental improvements.”
As part of the Ogilvie Group, Ogilvie Fleet has been leading the charge on emissions reduction via fleet electrification, with an impressive 219% year on year increase in EVs being added to its fleet, ahead of industry averages. To help businesses electrify their fleets ahead of 2030, Ogilvie Fleet set up an internal ‘Green Fleet Taskforce’ in 2020, to discuss changes and developments within the EV landscape, ensuring all staff are well informed about the future of electrified fleets.
Additionally, the award-winning EV Database, is helping all motorists gain knowledge of electric motoring, not just Ogilvie customers. ‘MiNextEV’ offers free, up to date information on every single EV and eLCV currently on sale or due for launch in the UK.

Pictured – Simon MacGillivray (Forestry Consultant), Duncan Ogilvie & Simon Oldham (Technical Director of Scottish Woodlands).

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Ogilvie Fleet Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 308787, as a provider of fleet management, vehicle finance and leasing products to both commercial and personal customers. Should we provide a regulated product, it may be provided directly or, potentially, distributed through a panel of authorised brokers and/or introducers. If that is the case, we may pay a commission to said authorised brokers or introducers who pass new customers to us. This commission is usually a fixed fee, is not paid by the personal customer, and does not impact the amount the personal customer will pay.

Ogilvie Fleet Limited is a registered company in Scotland with company number SC067027, registered office Ogilvie House, 200 Glasgow Road, Stirling, FK7 8ES. VAT registration number 400 892 864.

IDAC Media

Ogilvie Fleet Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 308787, as a provider of fleet management, vehicle finance and leasing products to both commercial and personal customers. Should we provide a regulated product, it may be provided directly or, potentially, distributed through a panel of authorised brokers and/or introducers. If that is the case, we may pay a commission to said authorised brokers or introducers who pass new customers to us. This commission is usually a fixed fee, is not paid by the personal customer, and does not impact the amount the personal customer will pay.

Ogilvie Fleet Limited is a registered company in Scotland with company number SC067027, registered office Ogilvie House, 200 Glasgow Road, Stirling, FK7 8ES. VAT registration number 400 892 864.