If during the term you resign, are made redundant, dismissed, or retiring, you will not be entitled to retain your vehicle until the conclusion of your employment. To ensure a smooth transition, the following steps must be completed in a timely manner:
Employees planning to resign are advised to carefully consider the implications of returning the vehicle before exiting the business. Ideally, where your leave date is at the end of a month, you should inform Ogilvie of your resignation no later than six (6) weeks prior to your leaving date so that we can collect the car immediately. This timeframe may vary depending on the value due to you on your last pay and your Employer’s payroll cut-off date. So, if for example you are leaving on 9 December, you should be contacting Ogilvie to arrange collection and review of your vehicle before the first week of November so the car can be inspected in time for the November payroll deadline.
If you have a change in circumstances you need to contact the Ogilvie Customer Service Team and the Severn Trent HR Team to discuss further.
Please raise a ticket on ASKHR on Success Factors or call 02477 716790. Make sure you head your query Change in Circumstances – EV benefit
Please email hr@stgreenpower.co.uk Make sure you head your query Change in Circumstances – EV benefit
Telephone: 0330 333 1283
Email: help@ogilvie.co.uk